So now that the intended owner of this needlebook has received her package, which included Mr. Sloth and Apathy Egg man, I can share with the world my superb craftswoman skills! I had initially made this needlebook for my etsy (*cough* still available for sale) and shared it to my fb. She had commented that she wanted one so I said send me your addy and I'll make you one! But, (hopefully unbeknownst to her), I knew I wasn't going to make any ordinary egg needlebook..*mischeif foreshadowing*. Around Halloween we had shared pictures of a Japanese egg yolk character from Sanrio called Gudetama. This little guy is irresistibly perfect and strange. Exhibit A:
It was a natural choice, and I couldn't wait to get started. But I had to choose the right image... This part took a little a while. But by the grace of some divinity the perfect image fell into my lap. I was browsing my Instagram feed when this person I follow posted a pic of their phone case and guess who it was, Egg man! I wasn't sure how to go about cutting the felt pieces at first, should I draw it out, cut the paper and then use those as a pattern? Or draw directly onto the felt? Eventually I chose to just dive in and free-hand cut the pieces which turned out to work perfectly! Although I would recommend using smaller scissors, some of the small parts were hard to cut with large tailor scissors.
I enjoyed making this so much I absolutely cannot wait to make more.
Some more pictures for your viewing pleasure:
Detail of Egg man before he was stitched together.
Me with gudetama in process 1. Very happy with the first shapes.
In process 2. Impressed.
In process 3. Pleased with myself.
And this is the amazing package I received in return before she got her's! I couldn't believe all the gooooodieeessss!!!!
I had a very lovely xmas and new year's and I hope you did, too!
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