Greetings from beyond! I spent the bulk of my day today on my feet in the kitchen and the labor was indeed fruitful, very fruitful, quite.
Book commissions are slow lately (ahem, static really). I've been re-thinking my strategy as my current process is slightly time consuming and I'm charging more than I would pay for the books myself but I can't charge less due to the TLC invested in them! Since the last book I've made, I've thought about how to minimize the time spent to make them without sacrificing durability and quality.
Naturally it would be way awesome if I could design the cover art of notebooks/sketchbooks. For that I would ideally use silk screening, stenciling or lino cut, but those are also time consuming which is cool but to be more cost effective and sustainable I've been looking at digital printing. Luckily there's a print shop near my school that only uses recycled paper and is really reasonable at pricing unlike many print crooks downtown. Plus, I in essence am saving paper from being forgotten and thrown away! double win!
And now something to drool over, cupcakes and pizza! I also made fresh pasta (from scratch, homie - not the pizza dough however) but it was gone by the time I thought to take a picture. Oh well, next time when I make it even better I'll take a picture. Perhaps with home made sauce, first time was a fail. The pizza turned out surprisingly amazing and was really easy. I learnt two things: 1) go easy with the roller, too thin is boring and 2) do something about that crust, too puffy.
Hopefully the next time I post it'll be to show new projects!
That's right, I used my light box to take a picture of the very first slice of spinach, poireau, oignon, mushroom and thyme pizza by me, why not!
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