Here I go again! Lovely Keri asked that I make her a book. So I did, there were specifications which made for a super personalized traveling diary/sketchbook and I am beginning to think this is what will make my books amazing. Most are hybrids anyway, I combine different types of paper for different purposes. So far I've been adding 16 watercolour paper to the regular sketchbooks I've made. Yes it's great.
Along with that commission, I mentioned to the supervisor of a small Omer de serres that I made books because apparently the company which made the cover fabric for books (paper and fabric already preglued for books making - the purple one here) has stopped production!!!! So he said to bring by a few books as his employees would be interested. I hope that means they'll be on display hahahahaha I can dream!!
(9X6) 20$ each except blue one
^ Blue one is sold, 3 underneath are for sale
^pink one

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