Saturday, October 29, 2011

Lantern festival 2011

Every year, the botanical garden organizes a grand lantern festival that attracts many. This year's theme was the Emperor's Chinese Garden and it was the first ever one I got to see. I went on my own and I won't lie, I felt a bit lonely. The majority of the people who were there (and there were plenty!) were either couples or families with children. It made me wish I was in a relationship or married, or with my child/children! Sadly, I was with none of the above, only myself. I have no regrets however, the installations were magical and I have a lovely memory of walking up and down hills while snapping at illuminated dragons and horse carriages.


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A day in october


Welcome to my home town. This is the place where I grew up, where I live and as I learnt during my teens, where I was concieved. However I am originally from a different country and was born in a different one from that of my origin. Confused yet? What it comes down to is that this place has always been the constant, home. At this point in my life I was starting to feel like something was about to change, turns out I was right. I will definitely have to move away soon. Either with the cluster of family, or elsewhere on my own. The latter I am considerably more in favour of, although the first choice would certainly be the easiest one.

October has given me a real sense of change, it always does really.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Absolutely delectable!

So I don't usually post one day after another but I couldn't help sharing these! My very talented friend Lisa, who is a pastry chef (and runs her own blog) posted this recipe for Cinnamon Apples Muffins a while back. They looked so yummy that I told myself I should try them one day. And that day finally came, I was browsing for an apple pastry recipe when I remembered hers and decided to make them. They were incredibly easy to make and the only thing I modified was the number of apples I used. I sincerely urge you to give her recipe a go, you won't regret it!


Sunday, October 2, 2011


Time keeps going forward, whether you like it or not, with or without you. These days I feel like time is moving on without me. I'm not keeping up good pace and am delayed. On the other hand, time also feels like it has stopped. Perhaps time and I don't share the same clock. Despite going through a rough patch right now, things seem to be resolved as soon as I really begin to worry. Now's not really time to take a break, silence doesn't mean nothing's going on, but there is so much silence it is a bit worrying.

As I crossed the last day of September off my calendar,  I was a bit overwhelmed and exhaled heavily. Looking over the whole month I saw it was full of of notes and doodles and stars. It was an intense month and now looking at a new calendar page, empty with no markings it makes me wonder what lies ahead.

This past week I was kept busy with two new commissions. The first being a journal and the second being earrings (which are near completion). For the journal I tested out a new way of sewing a cover design. I used a quilting technique to create a dye-cut effect on the fabric. I was surprised how do-able it was and am really happy with the look.

Last Wednesday I had hoped to catch the Jean Paul Gauthier exhibition at the Fine Arts museum but the line was insane so I took some window-shopping photographs of a mannequin with some stellar disco ball earrings instead. Other than that, I also did my nails and enjoyed a lovely movie night with some gal-pals while we munched on lactose-free crepes and movie night tea from DAVIDsTEA (verdict: didn't hate it, but didn't love it either).



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