Saturday, February 19, 2011

Stuffed cabbage rolls - sounds like a sexual euphemism

A successfully completed recipe! There was a huge cabbage head in the fridge and I thought, geez, what could I make with this thing? I usually chop it up and add it to sauces or vegetable stir fries but I was sure there was something tastier that could be done with it. The first recipe that turned up when I searched "easy cabbage recipe" was stuffed cabbage rolls!

I initially did a rice version which taught me to make some really delicious rice stuffing that I think I will use as a base for quick and yummy meals (can't seem to find the link, basically you saute a chopped medium onion, until translucent in butter and add your cooked rice to it). It was great with the cabbage as well and reminded me a lot of a Croatian recipe which is pretty much the same except you stuff green bell peppers instead of cabbage and there's meat. I had quite a few cabbage leaves leftover to make more (blanching the whole cabbage was so much work) so I looked for another version of the recipe.

This led me to Rolls a la Aunt Angela, it was really easy and the end result was amazing! I put less of the liquid ingredients as I had less meat and didn't use any onions in my casserole. I still have a lot of catching up to do when it comes to presentation, but I can assure you, it was sublime.



On another note, I made some muffins (from an organic apple and cinnamon muffin mix) and for fun I decided to try out a heart shaped cupcake/muffin mold I recently bought. How incredibly cute! Can't wait to make more yummy cuties with them.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Red felt accessories!

Here they are! The accessories I made with the red felt flowers I made previously :) As you can see, some have become headbands, others earrings or rings. I am very happy with the results, obviously they are not 100% perfect but I will definitely make more and keep practicing!





Tomorrow will be the third day in a row I wear red, it's quite a special feeling and I'm like a little old lady covered in all this colorful wool, popping cinnamon hearts like happy pills ;)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentime's day

As my little cousin calls it, and to be honest, I think Valentimes has a better ring to it..

I hadn't originally planned to give out little sweet goodies, and I have no idea what motivated me, it just seemed like a nice and inexpensive idea, who knew I'd end up wearing red all day!





The cookies weren't made from scratch, I bought a cookie mix from the grocery store, to which I had to add 1/2 cup of unsalted butter and a tbsp of water, very easy. It is from the President's Choice brand, which never disappoints. The ingredients list is readable and no weird stuffs in there so that's great of course. They were tasty although incredibly sweet, two is plenty for a fix!

For the boxes I used the same tutorial as before (video link).

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

my first sock! and other knits :)

Here it is! My first mini sock! Sure it's not a real sock, but it's the first one I've been able to complete and which has taught me the basics of how to knit one. Sock patterns still look a bit scary but at at least I know I am a step closer to knitting real ones, can't wait for that. My little cow from Quebec city (which my younger brother bought for me a few years back during a school trip) makes it even cuter! I followed this tutorial to accomplish the task, it was very clear and concise. Except for the explanation of a kitchener stitch, for that I went here.

Also shown here is a tuque that I knitted (all yarn is acrylic) adorned with a re-purposed felt flower brooch as well as a wrist warmer I knitted a while back but never photographed, I would have to redo the other one as I forgot to knit a row so it looks and feels weird (probably because i can tel :P).








Monday, February 7, 2011

la creme de la cream puffs!

Yesterday I learned of such a thing as cream puffs and how easy it is to make them. I was so excited to try that I bought some ingredients and made my own today. Which ended up being sort of a fail, but not entirely! I followed a recipe from, but I feel I would have to do some modifications to it before trying again.



Friday, February 4, 2011

felt flowers fun!

I am so loving my lil 99cent porcelain elephant, I love awesome vintage thrifts. Good quality lasts forever. I saw past the accumulated dust and dirt and once he was cleaned he was just perfect. The hand however was not heavy nor was it light on my pocket change. ahem.

Today I have put my repurposed wool sweater flowers on display! Some will become a headband, others (below) earrings and perhaps one a hairpin? We'll see.

I was all excited about putting valentine's day themed items in my shop but I should get to that soon if I hope to send out packages on time. I am so inexperience but it's all so exciting!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


So technically this was a fail.. I had recently found some glow in the dark fimo that I haven't touched for almost exactly 2 years. Inspired by a sculptey session with Nicole and all sorts of cute stuff on etsy, I decided to make little cute characters and turn them in earrings or other to put up in my shop. Short story short, I baked them for too long and they went from a glowy white to a caramel brown. I was considering throwing them away and starting all over, but an unexpected visit from my little cousin made me turn them into something because he liked them. Can't say I'm unpleased :)


my current collection of rings (that I have managed to not lose!)


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